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K5 | Heretic Light Cruiser


SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

Ship length: ~7cm (1.2″)

Shipped in small envelope

Set includes the following:

  • Light Cruiser main body
  • 1x Mk3 turret small
  • Rear Armour option
  • 2x Heretic weapon modules
  • Prow option
  • Bridge option
Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 2.5 cm

Broadleif S, Jaeger S, Marder (S), Grand (S), Malice (S)


Flak Turret, Hangar, ICBM Launcher, Octa Turret, Plasma Turret, Triple Broadside, XL Sponson

Rear Armour

Curved, Plating, Gothic


KGV, Flakturm, Turret Platform, Dome M, Spinal Gun S, Bridge M, Bridge S, Eye of Behelit, Heretic Symbol, Horned Skull, Eagle Statue, Church S, Parapet Top, Wolf Statue, Yamato L Turret, Richelieu L Turret

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