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M4 Grand Cruiser


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A heavily gunned M4 chassis variant that was phased out as the Imperial Navy transitioned to the workhorse M4 Cruiser. The Grand Cruiser outmassed the M4 Cruiser by a factor of 1.35x, however the Navy found it increasingly difficult to source the powerful Elliptic thrusters, leading to their untimely retirement.

Now, they are a rare sight even in Core Systems, stationed in battlefleets supported by numerous auxiliaries.

Discover more photos on Instagram – James Woodford, John Wedge, Painting.Potatos


The kit includes a standard Imperial Keel as part of the package due to popular demand.

Ship Length: 10cm (3.9″)

Can be shipped in large envelope

Weight 0.02 kg
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 2.5 cm

[01] Broadleif L, [02] Jaeger L, [03] Grand M w/ Adaptor, [04] Marder L, [06] Malice L, [08] [Marine] Hammerhead M w/ Accessories, [08] [Marine] Crusader M w/ Accessories, [09] Anvil M, [10] Bearded Axe L, [11] Legacy L, [12] Knight L, [13] Classic M w/ Adaptor, [14] Schmal Jaeger M w/ Adaptor

Imperial Weapons

Thick Sponson S, Thick Hangar, Thick Broadside, [SL] Sponson L, [SL] Sponson S, [SL] Quad Broadside, [SL] Hex Broadside, [SL] Twin Turret Bay, [SL] Hangar, [SL] Barrage Broadside, [SL] Richelieu Sponson (+£2.80), [SL] Yamato Sponson (+£2.80), [LOG] Repair Bay (+£1.80), [LOG] Gas Condenser, [LOG] Triple Canister, [LOG] Container, [LOG] Docking Bay (+£1.80), [LOG] Drop Pod L (+£1.80), [LOG] Drop Pod S

Heretic Weapons

[01] Hangar, [02] ICBM Launcher, [04] Plasma Turret, [06] Triple Broadside, [07] XL Sponson, [08] Flak Turret, [09] Octa Turret [09], 8x Mk.3 Turrets

Front Bridge

[0] Church, [0] Cathedral, [0] Richelieu Turret, [0] Yamato Turret, [01] Eagle Statue, [01] Pre-Imperial Half Bridge, [03] Turret Platform, [04] Nagato, [04] Skull Statue, [05] Eagle Gun, [05] Hooded Angel, [06] Flakturm Tower, [07] Dome M, [07] Lion Standing, [08] Invigil Symbol, [08] Pipe Organ, [10] Brazier, [11] Spinal Gun S, [12] Pegasus Half-Bridge, [13] Heretic Symbol, [14] Eye of Behelit, [14] Mech Tower, [15] Bridge M, [15] Wolf Statue, [17] Chimera Bridge, [18] Asymmetric Crane Bridge, [21] Tsar Bridge, [22] Legacy Bridge, [23] KGV, [24] Marine Pagoda

Rear Bridge

[0] Church, [0] Cathedral, [0] Richelieu Turret, [0] Yamato Turret, [01] Eagle Statue, [03] Turret Platform, [04] Nagato, [04] Skull Statue, [05] Hooded Angel, [06] Flakturm Tower, [07] Dome M, [07] Lion Standing, [08] Invigil Symbol, [08] Pipe Organ, [10] Brazier, [11] Diagonal Spire, [13] Heretic Symbol, [14] Eye of Behelit, [14] Mech Tower, [15] Bridge M, [15] Wolf Statue, [18] Asymmetric Crane Bridge, [21] Tsar Bridge, [22] Legacy Bridge, [23] KGV

Rear Armour

[05] Plating M, [06] Curved M, [08] Gothic M


None, Marine, Crusader

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