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Prow Guns


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Warning: read the individual description of guns to check if it is compatible with your planned prow. All guns can be fitted to prows but some may require filing/trimming for a snug fit. Resin dust is an irritant and may be harmful to your health.

Warning #2: The Engineering Corps Battleship is an M3 class ship = Medium prow gun. The mech prow tapers towards the bottom so I recommend the Armbruster cannon

‘Dreadfausts’ can be purchased separately and attached to the end of barrels for increased single-shot penetrating power.

Large = M1, M2 class ships
Medium = M3, M4 class ships
Small = M5 class ships

Weight 0.003 kg
Dimensions 35 × 25 × 2.5 cm
Prow Gun

Armbruster, Dora, Junon, Dora Tri-barrel, Junon Tri-barrel, Dreadfaust


XL, Large, Medium, Small

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